I didn't test the glow ESP because I was mostly rage hacking but overall the ESP is perfect. I didn't give this a 10 either because everything can always be improved and with this ESP it would be nice to have some more features next to the enemy name like what weapon they have and how much hp they have left so I know if I can rush them after throwing a grenade or not but aside from that it's amazing. Well what can I say about the radar? It's a radar that appears in a small window or on a cross depending what setting you choose and you can make it show enemies/friends/items/cars and you can choose all of them or none or some of those options. It's a simple radar but there is nothing more it could show.

I don't use this because with ESP it's enough for me to see everything to know where enemies and items are but it is still a really good feature to have on a second monitor if you are closet-cheating so you can see enemies but no one else can see that on the screen. Okay this is by far my favourite feature of this entire cheat.

For all closet-cheaters this is a must and for all rage-hackers this is a must. If you are closet-cheating you never have to lock onto an enemy you just have to wait for the enemies to strafe into your crosshairs and they die like flies especially with an obir or Oscar!Īnd for rage-hackers sometimes locking onto an enemy with the aimbot is enough but in this game if you have some idiot peaking super fast from a corner or behind a car and only showing his head every half second then this will hit him 100% of the time every time he pops out even for 0.00001 second.